The John Crews Series Little John DD Deep Diver-Get ‘er Down! The all-new Little John DD Deep Diving Crank Bait designed by SPRO and John Crews is sure to be the talk of deep diving crank bait enthusiasts everywhere! Runs Deeper, casts farther, and fishes easier than any other deep diver. It’s sure to be the envy of any crank bait angler. Several unique features make it a winner. Dives to a true 20 feet! A unique Tungsten weight transfer system and an aerodynamic streamline design make this deep diver simple to cast and retrieve. You will be able to crank the deep zone all day long without out being worn out! Special Custom Colors are handpicked by Bass Elite Series Angler John Crews and, as with all SPRO lures, comes standard with those sticky sharp Gamakatsu Hooks! Use the Little John DD to entice those deep down predator fish! I designed the DD John to be the best deep diving crank bait ever created!” John Crews
Normally $11.99, “Catch Of The Day!” Special Price $10.99 Save $1.00!
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Purchase Spro Little John DD from American Legacy Fishing Co. Today!
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