You’re Paying Too Much for Tungsten and You Know it
But don’t worry, we’re here to help. We have just received another batch of tungsten weights that we are prepared to sell to you at our cost!
What does that mean? Selling these weights to you at our cost means that we’re willingly taking a loss in an effort to save you money. We want to reduce as much of your fishing budget overhead as we possibly can so you have more funds to put towards the other pieces of equipment that make your days on the water more enjoyable!
All weights are available exclusively in packs of five and have been priced to beat the lowest prices we could find (We checked even the sketchiest sites on the internet).
Flipping Weights
- 3/16 oz – $3.69/pk ($0.74)
- 1/4 oz – $4.29/pk ($0.86 ea)
- 5/16 oz – $5.16/pk ($1.03 ea)
- 3/8 oz – $5.92/pk ($1.18 ea)
- 1/2 oz – $8.64/pk ($1.75 ea)
- 5/8 oz – $11.61/pk ($2.32 ea)
- 3/4 oz – $12.97/pk ($2.60 ea)
- 1 oz – $16.29/pk ($3.26 ea)
Drop Shot/Free Weights
- 1/8 oz – $3.47/pk ($0.70 ea)
- 1/4 oz – $5.11/pk ($1.02 ea)
- 3/8 oz – $6.74/pk ($1.35 ea)
*Please note that these prices will be fluid for each batch of weights that we order in the future. We negotiated these prices as low as we could for this batch, but they will almost certainly fluctuate down the road.
**No discount codes will ever be valid for American Legacy Tungsten Weights
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