We have two great videos this newsletter. Our first video was sent to us by our pal Bob Daly. If you ever wanted to Peacock Bass fish then take a look. Bob has traveled all over the world fishing and these bass are some mean guys:
Another awesome video we received was one sent in by Donald Crowe. Don caught
this sail 15 miles offshore Huatulco, Mexico. Fight was about an hour. He landed it with the help of a Daiwa Saltist 50 with 50lb mono. Don caught it dragging a dead Ballyhoo no more than 40 feet from the back of the boat. This is one of FOUR! Take a look:
So, where are your videos? We can use more! It’s really easy. Just send us a link to the YouTube video you have posted or whatever web server you use and a brief story about the video. After that we’ll take care of it!
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