American Legacy Fishing Company – NEWS FLASH – December 24, 2009
“World’s Best Fishing Gear – World’s Best Service”
Hi Friends,
Although we are closed today, Christmas Eve, I am setting here at my desk in the store doing some last minute paperwork and “hiding” from my wife, Dixie, as she goes about preparing the Christmas Eve feast. After almost 44 years I’ve learned that I have 2 choices: Get caught up in the hustle-bustle of preparing a meal that can’t possibly be completely consumed by those who will be at the house later or, find some chores to do that will make sure I am not under foot nor in my lovely bride’s way. I have chosen the later.
So here I sit thinking about Christmas and all that now goes along with it. As typical Americans, we have taken something pretty simple and expanded upon it to make it a far broader event. And that’s not bad. Christmas brings out the best in most people. We seem kinder, gentler, and most importantly, more charitable. That’s really important this year with the tougher times we are all experiencing. Even the poorest person seems to find a way to share what little they have during the Christmas season.
Now, it is the “eleventh hour” for all of us who haven’t bought the last present, still need to make one final trip to the grocery market, have just a few presents to finish wrapping, or whatever we have waited almost to long to complete. Yet everwhere I went today people seemed at ease and less stressed than they seemed the last 2 or 3 weeks. Perhaps we all realize today that all of our activities are about to complete and we will once again be able to focus on the true meaning of Cristmas without distraction.
So, I am going home and enjoy our family, our tree, our decorations, and most importantly God’s gift to us all. Thanks to everyone of you for your continued confidence and support. May all of you have a most wonderful and meaningful Christmas.
Merry Christmas,
Tom Ashby and the Crew at American Legacy Fishing Company
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