Save 10% on Any Gift Card Value Did you wait until the last minute to buy a gift this year? That's ok, this time of year brings enough stress as it is, don't worry about finding the perfect gift for the person you're having trouble buying for. Let them choose their own gift by sending them one of our gift cards and save a little money for yourself in the meantime. We … [Read more...]
Merry Christmas & Thank You From ALFC!
Hi Folks, This is our last full newsletter for 2014. I just wanted to share some thoughts with you. 2014 has been a record year for American Legacy Fishing & Outdoors. And it is all because of Y-O-U. You are the reason we are here and why we are committed to serving you with the very best products, service, and honest field-based advice. I've always believed that if you … [Read more...]
American Legacy Fishing Specials – December 11, 2011
INSTANT SAVINGS of $15 to $75 on any Order of $150 or More....... Hey, it's Christmas and we always want to do something special for all of our friends and customers. This year we didn't think there was any better way to say "thank You" than with cold, hard cash. Between $15 and $75 in Cold Hard Cash! Between now and Saturday, December 17, 2011 any order … [Read more...]
American Legacy Fishing Specials – November 20, 2011
FREE $10, $25, $75 American Legacy GIFT CARDS for ONE and ALL....... Every Christmas season we try to do something special for our customers as a way of saying "thank you" for your support over the last year. And every year it seems that the Christmas shopping season starts a wee bit sooner than the year before. And so it is this year. So EVERYONE can … [Read more...]
American Legacy Fishing News Flash December 12, 2010
American Legacy Fishing Company - NEWS FLASH - December 12, 2010 This Issue: SHIMANO CURADO $40 OFF, Last Minute Christmas Shipping, CHRISTmas Gift Guide, More.... Nick Grimaldi send this great picture of his grandson. Folks, this is really what fishing is all about. Thanks, Nick, for sharing this inspiring picture. … [Read more...]