The New Dog
I’ve received several notes lately asking what happened to my Newsletter stories that many of you have come to look forward to over the years. Just like the kid who messed up I do have an excuse. His name is “Hank”.
Dixie and I are dog lovers; no, scratch that, we’re dog fanatics. We have 4 golden retrievers – Fred (10), Al (6), Hana (6), and Emma (6). We got our first golden over 40 years ago. Joe lived with us for almost 16 years. At about 9 years old we got Joe a puppy – Bob. Then it just snowballed after that. We took in golden retrievers that others didn’t want. Those who didn’t realize what a big responsibility caring for a 60 to 90 lb. dog could be. Until December 2013 we had 5 of these wonderful companions. Then Benny (12) died.
Anyway, early this December one of our very good friend’s female gave birth to 6 fuzzy little fur balls of love. Dixie and I melted when we saw them. I figure you can guess the rest – and the ultimate result. But maybe not all of the details.
After seeing the litter I was in love, But Dixie said 4 dogs is more than enough. We just don’t need another dog. The 6 puppies would be easy to place and there were lots of people who would take them and love them. “Let other enjoy their magic”, she said. I countered that we had had 5 golden’s in the past, but to no avail.
Unbeknownst to me, my wife of almost 50 years decided she would surprise me for my birthday. And what better surprise than a fuzzy little bundle of love called “Hank”. Safe to say it was a total surprised. After all, “she who must be obeyed” had spoken already, so I figured a new puppy was just not going to happen.
To make a long story short I have been consumed by this wonderful new puppy and the challenges that come from trying to integrate him into our “pack” of 4 golden’s. Frankly, I had forgotten just how much attention (and work) a little puppy needs during his first couple of weeks removed from his litter mates. I had also forgotten that other dogs do not just embrace a new interloper immediately. In our case they simply ignored him, perhaps hoping that he would just go away. So Dixie and I became his best friends as well as care givers, food suppliers, accident remediation specialists, and potty trainers. And that, my friends, has been a challenge and the reason why stories for the newsletter have been delayed. Until now.
But Hank is definitely worth it. There are lots and lots of pictures, but this one is my favorite. That’s Hank on the left:
I’m guessing that by Spring Hank will be ready for a boat ride in the Lund. And I know from experience that keeping him in the boat will be the real challenge. After all, golden’s simply L-O-V-E water! And they love hunting and retrieving. Hey, they are Retrievers!
No, Hank will not be a hunting dog. None of our dogs have been trained as field dogs. They’re Lover dogs. Cuddlers who curl up at our feet, lick our faces, do funny things, and make our life so happy every day.
Yes, I know field dogs do this as well, but all of our dogs, past and present, would rather chase a tennis ball or a squirrel in the yard than plunge into a cold lake or stream to retrieve a duck or goose. And that’s just fine with us. Not every football player can be a star quarterback, and not every golden retriever can be a field champion. But they can all give us more love than we can ever imagine; more love than we can possibly ever return. Unquestioning, unhesitatingly, unreserved.
So I again offer my sincere apologies for this lapse in writing stories for the Newsletter. I promise to do better. And maybe even write some more stories about our dogs and their journey of love and laughter that we know we (and perhaps some of you) will be enjoying for many, many years to come.
This week we have some great deals to pass along, including 10,000 bonus points on a Daiwa Steez spinning reel (That’s a $100 Value!).
Thanks to all of our great friends and customers who have supported us and passed our name on to their friends. We know we are only here by making sure your needs are our first and only priority. Please let me know if we ever fail to meet and exceed your expectations.
Tight Lines,
Tom Ashby
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