Another Fishing Story from the G. LOOMIS ARCHIVES…………………..
by Bruce Chard
The burning desire to go to places around the world that no one else has been to, new crazy dangerous places, places so far out that you are the one with fear, not the fish. The hunt for new exotic fish that you have only seen drawings of, the chance of finding that new hideaway spot unfished for the past 10 years. Lakes that have 10 pound trout in them deep in the mountains reachable only by parachute or 2 days of hiking, marking off a specie of fish that you have landed in the quest to catch one of everything. The chance to get your picture with some fish that only lives in that section of the world that you have traveled 3 days just to get close to, AHHHHHH it’s awesome!!!! What more could you want?
Working out for the big fish fight, lifting weights so you’re on the top of your game, over and over in your head you practice the cast, the strip, the twitch, the jig, the action. The weather good, bad, great fishing, poor fishing, checking every knot over and over to not lose that fish that you traveled so far to get, adamant about every little thing because the fish will take no less.
You have prepared for all elements of weather ’cause you’ve seen it all and you want to be ready for anything.
Even when you’re at a fishing destination, you’re dreaming of the next one and then the next, at work, laying in bed, when you fall asleep, when you can’t fall asleep because all you can think about is fishing everywhere, all the time. Then you’re hooked up to something you have been dreaming about for a long time, making that mental picture you will never forget. You wonder how many others have crossed this same sot with the same chance to catch this same fish and failed, but now it’s up to you to make it happen. Pushing your gear to the fullest, breaking points of hooks, knots, lines, rods and reels, the most pressure you can put on that fish with out making a mistake. I’ve come all this way to battle, and battle I will for this is what I’ve dreamed of and nothing is gonna take this away from me.
3 plane rides, 2 boats and the a 2 hour car ridge to a destination X. You’re glad that you have your G.Loomis gear with you because it’s the only equipment that you trust in this 3rd world country. When you travel halfway around the world for what very well may be the only chance in your lifetime to catch a certain kind of fish you are going to be damn sure you’ve got the best rod for the job in your hands.
The plane lands, you take that first step, as you take a breath of that air you have so longed to breathe your quickly healed from all the stiff muscles and cramps from traveling. Goose bumps come running up your body, along with that tropical breeze blowing through your hair, you smell that smell. The smell of, “it doesn’t get any better than this”.
You switch from eastern daylight time to island time, to tide time. The whole trip, in fact, revolves around the tides, when you eat, or if you eat, depends upon the time of the tides. You don’t care what time it is as long as its time to fish, no work, no diapers, no responsibilities. Just you, your wildest dreams, the water, your rod, and the confidence that you have what it takes to make the shot that you have practiced in your head over and over. English, Spanish, Russian, it doesn’t matter what language, fish means fish, and that means me, this is what I love the most, the challenge, the 25 knot winds, heavy clouds, bring it on! This is my dream every night. What’s yours?
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